Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I am glad that we had a chance to learn about twitter, and about rss. I think that they are very useful however I also think people who are on the computers all the time use it a little more than someone that is just on a couple times throughout the day. I try to distance myself from it at times because I find myself on the computer way to much!!! I have been playing around with my website at home and I am gaining confidence in myself the more I play with it. I am finding it useful in designing the website and I hope that I have a chance to show it someday. Well I hope that everyone is enjoying their spring break the weather has been pretty decent for us, a little chilly at times with the wind but just the same at least the sun is shining. I hope everyone has a great week, and see you Monday :)

1 comment:

  1. My husband has been a Twitter user for quite a while now, so I knew all about Twitter before we discussed it in class. However, I feel that something like Twitter should not be used in the classroom. Most people use Twitter on their cell phones, which I believe should never be allowed in a classroom, and I'm pretty sure that students would be "tweeting" each other about non-educational events.
