Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Overall I thought that the class discussions were very interesting and that we all have differ net views and perspectives on technology and it is interesting to hear all our opinions. The website is going to be very interesting, but I have to say I am a little frustrated at this point because what I did in class is not right, and I can't figure out how to re-do it at home alone. Aggghhh lol Anyways for anyone that knows what they are doing feel free to offer your advice :) I do think it will be great when it's done and I hope that I can know enough about it to keep it going. There is a lot of potential with the websites.


  1. I am even a little bit knowledgeable in website and I have gotten confused about what to do, so you are definitely not alone. I think Dr. Kim should continue showing us more of the nuts and bolts about creating a website because there are many confused people. I think last Monday was just an intro into websites.


  2. I am not sure if this post was after the email you sent me, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I ahve come pretty far with my website and am happy with my results as this is my first one. This was my learning experience so I am in a good position to help. Just let me know.


  3. I feel the same way that you do. I am a very visual learner and I would benefit from someone showing me what I need to do. However, the things we have learned in class have been done too quickly and I am very confused. I am sure things will get better or at least I'm hopeful!!!

  4. Steph - you aren't alone! When I began the process of designing my webpage, I was so confused! Luckily, I am married to a computer programmer, and he showed me a template that I could use on my Mac. He tried to show me how to use html, but I decided that the template was the way to go for me!
