Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lesson Plan W. Tech.

Lesson Plan
Title: On a Treasure Hunt
Subject: Social Studies
Time: 45 minutes/1hour
Grade: 2

Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate how maps can be used to locate objects.
Students will also be able to label a map with the cardinal directions.

SS3: Geography

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live—local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.
Performance Indicator SS3.E.1B:
Students draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects.

Anticipatory Set: I will make a “detailed” map of the school, and together the students and I will follow the map to find the object at the end. I will point out details such as colors, objects, and directions.

Crayons/markers/art materials
Screen/Smart board

After we go on our treasure map the kids and I will do a KWL on what they know about maps, and what they would like to know.

Then we will watch the video from curious George.
Then we will talk about landmarks. What landmarks did we use on our map of the school?
Why do we have maps?
What might we find on maps? Come up with ideas from the kids, and then take out a basic map and see what they can notice.
Then we will watch…
(this site is a great way to help students remember the cardinal directions, but can also be interactive)
I will direct this to help show the students what the cardinal directions are.
I will use a smart board to complete some of the activities together. I will also set this site up on the back computers for students to practice during their choice time/free time or center time. (this will depend on how well the students understand the cardinal directions)
Then the students are going to create a map of their own, including the cardinal directions, and landmarks. They may create a map of their choice, but after the make the map, they must write down the directions for someone to follow if they were to use their map.

Closure: I will bring the group together and we will stand up on the carpet facing north. I will give the student directions in which they will turn.

Assessment: I will be collecting their maps and their directions to see if they gave accurate directions, as well as included cardinal directions and landmarks.

This lesson will be used to get children familiar with mapping. I want them to see how important it is when giving directions that they include many descriptive things such as landmarks, cardinal directions etc. I included the first video because it is a great way to get the children interested and excited. The second site I enjoyed because I can have it be interactive as we do the activities together, and I can also set it up on the other computers for students to practice and explore after we look at it as whole group.

1 comment:

  1. This lesson looks like it would be a lot of fun! I really like the videos incorporated, and I think the activities will be really engaging for students. Geography is such a fun and interesting topic, and I think your students will really enjoy this lesson.
